Client Reviews

...thanks to Alex’s hard work and expertise, we were able to achieve a highly satisfactory settlement. I couldn’t have asked for a better lawyer to represent me, and I would highly recommend Alex to anyone in need of legal counsel. He is a true asset to his profession, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work with him.

Google Review

Gail is absolutely brilliant. How lucky I am to have her expertise in my corner! She is also professional, involved in endless wonderful causes and so very kind.

Employment Client

I want to thank you (Mark Blumenthal) for everything you’ve done to help me keep my business, I’ll definitely highly recommend you to everyone I know.

Franchise Client

Alex is an outstanding lawyer well knowledgeable and very professional I do not usually recommend lawyers to family members or friends but I definitely would recommend Alex thanks for a great job well done.

Winston, R.

Alex is currently representing my family in both a business litigation and a trust litigation matter. As a former litigator, I can attest that attorneys make the worst clients! Alex has handled this challenge with grace and politeness. More importantly, his representation has been exceptional throughout both of these cases. Alex is insightful and sees the “big picture” of a case without losing attention to detail. He is a focused, aggressive and diligent advocate who balances empathy for his clients with pragmatism and knowledge of the law. When opposing counsel failed to exhibit professionalism at trial Alex remained calm and focused, never straying from the merits of the case. His competence and skill in a trial setting really shined through. As both an attorney and client, I highly recommend Alex for representation in litigation matters.

Michelle, M.

Alexander is my attorney who has been thorough, aggressive, focused, and a credit to the legal profession. Five months ago Alex was thrown into my case due to a tragedy by my previous lawyer. He was given few records, learned the circumstances, and devoted his attention so that this week he stood before a judge to try my case. Well done Alexander!

Allan Z.

Thank you, and again, THANK YOU. Gail has been our advocate through this all (and very patient with us and our many questions) and we are so SO GRATEFUL.

Age and Disability Discrimination Client

You all are the heroes of the world, taking on the good fight for justice and giving a voice to so many people who never get heard. Spouse of Client A quick note to let you know how much I value and appreciate you. I am so thankful for your wisdom, humor, sharp counsel, support and guidance. They say it takes a village– I’m beyond blessed that you are part of mine.

Gender and Age Discrimination Client

Thank you all for a remarkable and memorable day of victory! I thank God for placing all of you in my life. Just when I thought all hope was gone, God blessed me with an awesome team of attorneys and paralegals who made a powerful and successful impact on my survival. Now I can stop walking in fear of being put out on the streets. You will never know how much that mean to me. I am able to sleep at night knowing all is truly well. I give God the glory for a battle that was worth fighting and we won!

Gender Discrimination Client

You are all gifted women and this is a day to celebrate the importance of women in all our lives. Thank you for all of your hard work, thank you immensely!!

Age Discrimination Client

My God, I wasn’t looking for this or expecting this at all. I’m in total awe and beyond grateful for all that you all have done to fight for me. I will forever be grateful, you all are God sent. Thank you, thank you so much, for your blessings to me and my unborn child.

Pregnancy Discrimination Client

I want to thank all of you for taking time to assist us with our concerns regarding the treatment that we have received from XXX….We have cried, yelled, sat in fear of getting fired and vented to you about all of it. Our stress levels went up, our levels of anger went through the roof and through it all you guys have been a God sent support system for us….Thank you, thank you, thank you! We could not have made this far without praying to God for strength and all of you making yourselves available to us whenever we needed you. Your advice is golden. Your understanding is supernatural. And, your love for us is genuine. I said all of this to say you are greatly appreciated and we truly thank God for you.

Gender Discrimination Client

It was so great working with you. Thank you for making this ordeal as painless as possible.

Race Discrimination Client

Wow! I just opened my mail and received my portion of the settlement and I am in tears! I don’t know what to say and I am not usually lost for words. I can’t thank you enough for your tenacity to fight for someone like me who couldn’t afford to fight for himself. You never gave up and I am eternally grateful to you. My family is grateful and we are excited this chapter has concluded.

Race Discrimination Client

How do you say thanks to someone who receives her rewards daily, THANKS! Gail is the genuine article.

Race Discrimination Client

I just want to Thank all of you for Everything you have done for me! I don't think I would've made it all the way through this experience if I hadn't had such an Amazing & Supportive legal Team on my side! So from my Family & especially Myself I just want to Thank you from the bottom of my Heart!

Race Discrimination Client

Honestly I never thought that the people who represent the Company that has made my Life miserable would do right by me. I mean they won't even admit that they have done anything wrong to me or any of us. That's so frustrating to me. I believe that everything happens for a reason. …I knew right then that my Fight wasn't over, that I wasn't just doing this for me…. Your not just my attorney, Your Family now.

Race Discrimination Client

I just wanted to say thank you for the work you did on my case. It really reduced my stress when I was studying for and taking the [Exam] because I knew that I would get the full time I was entitled to for the essay section. Your work on the case, especially the very well written and researched complaint made that possible….Your work not only helped me, but helped XXX too. Finally, the XXX agreed to reform their procedures for granting testing accommodations, so many more people are going to benefit from the work you did. In short, your work really made a difference, and is inspiring to me as a young attorney.

Failure to Accommodate Client

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